Is it worth investing in the real estate market?

Is the real estate market a good investment? Yes, definitely. As much as many news preaches the slowdown of the sector, this market is still on the rise and reserves good opportunities. Thinking about it, we have listed some tips for those who want to leave a job and invest in real estate. After all, if you are tired of the routine of being an employee and want to undertake, opening a real estate agency may be the solution.

Among the several advantages of the sector is the pace of growth, the advance is almost seven times greater than the GDP, in addition to having state support in real estate credit. And this is not something at the moment. In the future, due to the high housing deficit in the country, the segment should continue to lead among the various sectors of the economy. According to the Municipal Housing Deficit in Brazil 2010 survey by the Ministry of Cities, there is a lack of at least 7 million housing units, 85% of which are in urban areas. And building this many houses and apartments is not going to end soon. Many estimates point to a strong market for at least two more decades.

However, before getting to know the market you intend to enter in depth, it is necessary to assess your own personality and recognize limitations. For that, be honest: you complain about the boss, but would you be able to work without supervision? And, more, are you prepared for the possibility of fluctuations in billing? If you answered no to these questions, it makes more sense that your destiny is to stay in your comfort zone as an employee.

Answering questions like these are critical to not regretting it later. The owner of a real estate company is fully involved in the work, needs to be bold and head into the sector. And, most importantly, he needs to know how to sell.

Is your profile really entrepreneurial? So, know that it is useless to present the prerequisites for a career in the real estate market if you do not know how to see the best opportunities. And it has a lot to do with the region in which you are going to invest.

Do a lot of research and make a list of the neighborhoods that have received the most launches or that are in great demand for purchase or rent. Also, find out why people want to live and work in these regions. By understanding the market, you can see a good opportunity in the medium term in a given region and get there sooner than everyone else. Understanding the market also involves knowing the habits of new customers. For example, not everyone leaves their parents’ homes to form a new family. More and more, young people are looking for a new home to live alone or share with friends. It is no wonder that one-bedroom apartments are on the rise here.

Participate in events focused on the real estate market, take courses and specialize. In this case, studying Real Estate Law is important to avoid having problems with Justice and to build an ethical and transparent image of your business.

And options for studying abound. In addition to professional courses, some universities already offer a degree in Technology in Real Estate Business and a postgraduate degree in Real Estate Registration Law or in Real Estate. Best of all, if you don’t have time to go to the institution, you can study from a distance. In addition to studying, take advantage of courses and events to create an extensive network of professional contacts. Who knows, you may not know a good professional there to form your team.

For those who want to enter this lucrative sector, the real estate franchise is the simplest and safest way, dispensing even previous experience or knowledge in the area. The model is still little known in Brazil, but overseas real estate franchises have been successful for decades. To give you an idea, in the United States they represent more than 89% of the real estate market. A real estate franchisee has access to a database with thousands of properties captured throughout the network, receiving all the support and training to sell more efficiently. Ponder all of this and consider whether this is the right market for you.

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